The Gift of Education
The facilities and programs our boys enjoy today have been built over many years through the dedication, hard work and generosity of the College community founded on the charism of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Mazenod has never stood still and now, more than ever before, we have great plans to build on this legacy through continued development to ensure we can provide the very best educational environment and student educational pathway opportunities possible, without the need for large fee increases.
Making a difference
Making a bequest is one of the simplest ways to support Mazenod College. By including the College in your Will, you are providing young men with the gift of education. Your bequest, irrespective of size, will make a difference – it all helps. Your bequest can support buildings, facilities and programs or our needs-based Scholarship Fund, to enable more worthy students to enjoy the benefits of a Mazenod education.
By becoming a member of our 1967 Bequest Society, you are joining a wonderful coterie of alumni, current and past parents, staff and friends of the College who have made provision for Mazenod in their Will. The Society is our way of recognising, acknowledging and honouring the contribution you have made to help secure the future of our College.
Support the 1967 Bequest Society and help ensure that the gift of a Mazenod education can be enjoyed by future generations.