Immersed in tradition, open to genuine relationship with Christ.

The knowledge that each of us is created in the image and likeness of God and called into a relationship with Jesus Christ permeates everything we do. It informs the way we treat each other with dignity and compassion and informs our attempts to create a community in which the God-given talents of each young man are empowered and celebrated.

While we are a proudly Catholic community, a number of our students and staff are members of other traditions or no faith tradition and we celebrate this diversity. We welcome enrolments from any family who feels they can support the values and programs of the College.

Our Catholic faith is a visible and natural part of the rhythm of College life, and we are blessed to have on staff a Rector and College Chaplain, and Catholic priests in the order of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. This means we are able to offer a full sacramental program, including daily Mass, that each student is encouraged to attend at least once per week.

Our Religious Education program is a core part of our curriculum, and one that culminates in a state-leading VCE program. We encourage you to read further about the faith life of our college below, and to make contact if you have any further questions.

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