Reconnecting, reminiscing and socialising.

Mazenod College Former Staff Association (FSA) was established in 2019 in response to an emerging need for former staff to be able to re-connect with the College, establish connections with former colleagues and reacquaint themselves with the College in its present capacity.
As many years have passed for so many former staff, most news comes to the College via ‘word-of-mouth’ and can often be incorrect.
So, in keeping with the words of Eugene De Mazenod, a group of interested staff united to establish this association. Our aim is simple; establish a spreadsheet to register former staff, allow access for those former staff to view the spreadsheet for contact purposes, establish social functions allowing former and present staff to reacquaint with each other.
The major benefit that the committee sees is that former staff who have lost contact with each other can have an opportunity to meet initially at a casual social event sponsored by the college, then annually as the word spreads.
We will be attempting to contact as many former staff as possible, so if you are still in touch with any, please ask them to fill out the form below to update their details.

2024 FSA Dinner Wrap-up
It was great to have a huge gathering of the Mazenod Former Staff Association at the MCC Saturday 12th October 2024. Many former staff and long-serving current staff members attended the evening, some with their partners and enjoyed a sumptuous three course dinner in a private room at the club. This event provided the opportunity to come together, socialize and capture memories of forgotten significant adventures of shared teaching life at the college. Tributes to wonderful leaders from the Oblate Order who led the staff to make the college number 1 in so many fields of secondary education. Attendees spanned most faculties, most decades of the last 50 years of the college and had a wonderful night re-connecting with stories, memories of past events and occurrences during their time with many highlights of the College's success stories in so many fields of Music, Academia, Sport and Technology. Formalities were brief, 'catching-up' time was the main focus.
The Association hope to make this re-union an annual event welcome interest from former staff, many whose details we are chasing.
Spreading the word about the FSA was paramount, encouraging people to check out the college website, and via the 'Connected Communities' link, FSA, enter their details to join the Association and up-date their details. Many future events will be advertised there including March 29th, 2025, a special Fundraising event at the college, hosted by a former well known celebrity chef.
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