Vocational Education and Training (VET) allows students an opportunity to complete a nationally recognised qualification in Certificate I, II or III, in a range of areas.
Learning for life.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is an important part of many students’ senior secondary education. Subjects can be completed as the VCE pathway, Vocational Major pathway, or the Victorian Pathways Certificate. VET subjects develop industry specific knowledge and skills, as well as general skills needed for employment, training, and further education. The dynamic VET teachers pride themselves on providing practical skills relevant to a variety of student talents, and helps our young men work towards a formal VET certificate.
What is VET?
What are the advantages of VET?
VET subjects give students the opportunity to gain work ready skills, while also offering credit towards an apprenticeship or pre apprenticeship course. As a result, students increase their awareness of vocational training and where it may lead in a future career. If completing a VET subject, students can still apply for entry to university courses, TAFE courses, training programs or seek to join the work force. Depending on the certificate, a VET subject could be counted among your best four subjects or as a fifth or sixth subject when calculating the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank.
VET Subjects offered at Mazenod

VCE VET Careers Investigation *
22523VIC Certificate I in Employment Pathways, IVET Institute, RTO: 40548

VCE VET Christian Ministry and Theology #
11236NAT Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology, Institute of Faith Education
RTO: 31402

VCE VET Creative Digital Media *
CUA31020 Certificate III in Screen and Media, COSAMP (41549)

VCE VET Engineering *
22632VIC Certificate II in Engineering Studies, AIET (121314)

VCE VET Furnishing *
MSF20522 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways, AIET (121314)

VCE VET Hospitality *
SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE, RTO: 0416
SIT20421 Certificate II in Cookery, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE, RTO: 0416

VCE VET Information Communications & Technology *
ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology, Ripponlea Institute (21230)

VCE VET Small Business Operations/Innovation
22629VIC Certificate II in Small Business (Operations/Innovation), Ripponlea Institute (21230)

VCE VET Sport and Recreation *
SIS30122 Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation, Savile, RTO:45452
*VET Subjects contributing a full study score to a VCE ATAR program
#VET Subjects contributing to the ATAR through a 10% increment