Developing socially responsible corporate citizens.

The Commerce department at Mazenod College strives to implement innovative teaching and learning strategies that focus on each student’s ability to understand how to be an effective participant in financial, legal and business institutions both in Australia and internationally.

Download the Commerce Curriculum Map

Commerce in Years 7 to 10
VCE Accounting
VCE Business Management
VCE Economics
VCE Legal Studies
VCE VET Small Business

Commerce in Years 7 to 10

Commerce studies commence at Year 9. The elective, Financial Literacy investigates a range of topics including budgeting, buying a car and online scams. At Year 10, students get a “taster” of the faculty’s VCE subjects, and can choose to study subjects such as Commerce A (Accounting and Business Management), Commerce B (Legal Studies and Economics) or Enhanced Business Management which can lead to an accelerated pathway to VCE Business Management.

VCE Accounting

Accounting involves modelling, forecasting and providing advice to stakeholders through the process of recording, reporting and analysing financial and non-financial data and accounting information. Students can pursue careers such as financial accounting, forensic accounting, taxation, environmental accounting, management and corporate or personal financial planning.

VCE Business Management

In Business Management students develop knowledge and skills that enhance their ability to participate effectively as socially responsible and ethical members and leaders of the business community, and as informed citizens, consumers and investors. Studies can lead to careers as a small business owner, project manager, human resource manager or operations manager.

VCE Economics

Economics examines the role of consumers, businesses and governments in decision-making about the allocation of resources, the production of goods and services and the effect that these decisions may have on material and non-material living standards. Further study in the field of Economics can lead to a broad range of career opportunities such as stockbroking, insurance, business analysis, banking and finance, journalism and public policy.

VCE Legal Studies

Legal Studies enables students to become active and informed citizens by providing them with valuable insights into their relationship with the law and the legal system. Further study in the legal field provides a broad range of career opportunities such as a lawyer, paralegal, legal secretary and careers in the courtroom.

VCE VET Small Business

The VCE VET Small Business program is drawn from the Victorian accredited curriculum and students are awarded the Certificate II in Small Business (Operations / Innovation) which is recognised Australia wide. The course provides students with a broad range of skills and knowledge to pursue a career or further training within small business contexts across a range of industry sectors.