In Year 10, students are encouraged to focus on their abilities, interests, needs, and values and to put them into a work perspective. To support students in their career development journey, all Year 10 students complete the Morrisby Online Diagnostic Assessment. Morrisby provides an integrated assessment of an individual’s aptitudes, interests, personality and working styles and highlights their strengths and underlying abilities. With the help of our expert careers counsellors, students use these results to explore suitable careers and areas of study, informing their Senior School Program in years 11 and 12. Following vocational assessment, students participate in a Work Experience placement of one week where they can try out and test their career aspirations. After Work Experience, students return to school with renewed enthusiasm for study. It is now time to focus more directly on choosing subjects for the Senior Secondary School Certificates namely, VCE or VCE Vocational Major.
Informed and equipped for the world of work.
Career Development is about actively creating the life one wants to live and the work one wants to do. It is a continuous process which acknowledges the notion of lifelong learning. An integral component of this process is self-management through the ever-changing contexts and circumstances of an individual’s life and work journeys.
All Mazenod College students are encouraged and supported to develop career goals, which will help them focus on success at school and in their future working careers.
The opportunities afforded to you at Mazenod to pursue your passions both in the classroom and outside are a highlight. When I graduated, I received an ATAR much higher than what I needed and I could have applied for something a little ‘higher status’ like Law or Medicine, but I was encouraged by my teachers, my family, and my friends to pursue my passion and for me that was always Archaeology. Now I literally unearth history.
Year 10
Year 11
In Year 11, students use Morrisby tools and Careers resources to refine their selections or to select new subjects and career directions in which they may have developed an interest. Year 11 students also engage in presentations from universities and other post-school providers.
Year 12
The final year at Mazenod College, sees our young men researching individual courses or occupations in greater detail. They are encouraged to visit Universities, TAFE Institutes and employers to get the latest information on their chosen careers. All students participate in one-on-one career interviews as they finalise University and TAFE applications, or apply for GAP year, Apprenticeship or Traineeship opportunities. Our careers counsellors are kept busy assisting students deep into December, ensuring that every young man has a pathway post-school.
Professional Memberships
Mazenod College is a Professional Member of the Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA) and a Professional Member and Fellow of the Australian Centre for Careers Education (ACCE). Mazenod College is also a Founding Member School and Executive Committee Member of the Waverley Careers Association (WCA).

Mazenod College has a dedicated Careers website. The website has everything our students and families will need for Career Planning. We encourage you to explore the resources available.
Explore more.